How To Manage Your Money? Pay Yourself First, Forget Everyone Else! THINK FINANCIAL FREEDOM!


In this blog post, you are going to learn to pay yourself first, and how you can manage your money. You may immediately thinking, who are you to tell me how to manage my money? And who are you to tell me to pay myself first? But hear me out. Kev went to the Millionaire seminar back in 2016, and it was a powerful seminar. And the first thing that they got to, was the money mindset, and everything around money. They first asked everyone, "who here pays themselves first?" You will work incredibly hard day by day, to then just pay off the taxes, the groceries, the milk - you will pay everyone first, to then just scrape all the stuff out the bottom. How great would it be to first pay yourself? People are always paying other people first. How about you take 10% of your income, and you put it into a financial freedom account? A financial account which is yours forever - you never let go of that money. It sounds good, right? In this blog post you are going to learn...

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Ultimate Success Formula To Achieving Your Goals & Resolutions (Tony Robbins 5 Steps)


In this blog post, I am going to be inspiring you to take action with the ultimate success formula. Kev has just learnt it, he has gone through it, and he has been introduced to it a few times. So I wanted to write this blog post, to make it available to you, because this is how you take action and this is how you be successful - this is the ultimate success formula. If you follow this 5 step formula, you will be successful. No doubt about it, you will be successful.

Know Your Outcome

What is it that you want to do? What is your goal? What is your dream? What is your vision? Be absolutely crystal clear on what your outcome is. Clarity is power. Know your outcome. If you want to lose weight, how much? If you want to be muscular, how muscular? Exactly how much? You want to start a business, what business? You want to make money, how much money? Know your outcome with absolute clarity. 

Take Action

It will work or it won't work. No matter what, you have worked out...

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How to Start Your Amazon FBA Business in the USA


In this blog post, we are going to be talking all about how to get started in your Amazon FBA business.

If Someone is Looking At Getting Started In Amazon FBA, What Are the Biggest Lessons and Advice Which You Could Receive?

Don't pile it all on at once. You don't need a glue tape dispenser, you don't need the fancy equipment, you only really need to start with the really simple things, for example, polybags. 

The same goes when it comes to employees, you need to gradually get there. It can be hard when you're in your basement and you are doing your own thing.

Is There Anything to be Aware of Specifically From a USA Perspective?

It is great if you are going from the UK to the US, because you gain a little lead. For example, the restock limits and the storage limits, the US got this, then it eventually was given to the UK. Similarly with the categories of essentials, if you recall back to 2020, the USA got this a couple of weeks ahead of everywhere else. 

If you have...

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How Can You Start A Business With No Money?


Honestly, if you are asking the question, "How do I start a business, or build a business with no or little money", then you are in the wrong place. The first action is to get a job. 

Get a Job

Building a business with no money, and if you have got a family, if you have got responsibilities, if you have got your house, bills and food to pay for, then you don't want to be starting a business with no money, and with no job. You need to get stability, you need to get that security, knowing that you have got some money coming in. If you are trying to build a business under stress, with anxiety, under pressure, then you are not going to be successful, because you are going to be focused on wrong thing, your focus will be on the money you are trying to get in every day.

Learn more here to see if you are ready to quit your job: 10 Considerations If You Are Going to Quit Your Job For Business

8 Considerations If you Are Going to Quit Your Job for Your Business


The real...

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Fulfilment By EBAY?!! Amazon FBA’s Competitor MUST Get This Right If They Are To Compete


Kev recently got an Instagram message from Shawn, who says this...

"Rumours ebay are going to copy amazon fba. You heard anything? And will you take part?"

So, in this blog post, we are going to explore the ideas of Amazon FBA's biggest competitors. Going off of what Shawn said, back in 2019, Kev remembers seeing an article from eBay, saying eBay are going to launch their fulfilment service - fulfilled by eBay.

Here is the link if you would like to read this: eBay Article

Kev remembers at the time, thinking that is what eBay need to do, because Amazon FBA completely changed the landscape as we know, over the last decade they have just continued to scale, scale and scale, because they have changed the industry. Being able to take control of seller's shipments, and seller's orders in-house, it allowed Amazon to build their infrastructure, to offer that same-day delivery and next-day delivery. Amazon FBA has completely revolutionised the industry. 

Amazon VS eBay

Back in...

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15 Steps to Systemise Your Entire Business


In this blog post I am going to share with you 15 steps on how to systemise your entire business, whether it is an online business or an offline business. This blog post is going to share with you exactly what you need to do every step of the way to systemise your entire operations, while you as the business owner, are fully in control. 

By the end of this blog post, you are going to know exactly the road ahead; you are going to know exactly what actions you need to take to ultimately systemise your business.

Why is it important to build?

Ultimately, it is all about the size of your business - it is all about your ambitions within your business. So that you can look up at the monster of a business you have created; this incredible streamlined, efficient machine which you have created. You can enjoy it, and you can enjoy knowing that your business is systemised, and everyone knows exactly what they are doing, because you have followed these principles. So, this is ultimately...

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How to Find a Mentor: 5 Tips


In this blog post, you are going to learn 5 tips on finding a mentor in your life. I am going to share with you how Kev found mentors in his life, and these 5 tips are actionable and practical, because Kev knows the true value in finding a mentor in your life. Mentors can impact you that much that they can change the destination of your life, and they could be the difference between achieving your goals, and not achieving your goals, depending on whether you have a good mentor or a bad mentor. 

So, I am going to share with you the 5 tips which Kev has, when it comes to finding a mentor that impacted Kev, and who he has practical experience with.

Find a Mentor Virtually

You should decide on a mentor, and follow them on their YouTube channel, their podcasts, their blog, and try and consume everything that you can around that mentor. You can do this virtually. We live in an incredible age today, where you can genuinely find a YouTube channel from a millionaire, a...

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Want Your Own Amazon FBA Business Warehouse? (This COULD Be The Strategy For You)


One of the goals which you may have in your Amazon FBA business is getting into a warehouse of your own, to expand your business from your living room, kitchen or hallway, into your own unit, where you have the ability to build onto your own blank canvas - hire staff members or ship thousands of products every day, this blog post is going to share with you Kev's advice on how you can make this a reality. Depending on where you are at right now, there are going to be lots of different factors on at what point is the right time to move into a warehouse.

Since 2016, Kev moved into his own warehouse in the June. It was an amazing time, it was an exciting time, it was a nerve-wracking time - to be able to move your business from your living room into a warehouse. Kev has expanded and introduced other businesses into his operations, which allowed Kev to move into an even bigger warehouse.

So, there is a lot of potential once you are in your own unit - to be able to hire staff members, to...

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Amazon FBA Contingency Plan: What Happens If Fulfilment By Amazon Goes Away?


In this blog post, I am going to answer the question, "What comes after Amazon FBA?"This was a great question which came from freearrob, who asked this,

"what contingencies can be put in place for FBA businesses should Amazon FBA services stop?"

What do we do if Amazon FBA services stop? This is a great question. There are a couple of ways at looking at this, and I am going to go into a lot of depth on this, because this is a big question which I am going to drill down on, and talk about the short term and the long term. What do we do to protect ourselves in terms of the security? What do we do to get the control back, and that we can be in control of our own lives?

What is the Potential of Amazon FBA to Go? And What Happens If Something is to Occur to Your Business?

There are a number of ways to discuss this. The first thing is Amazon as a business. What is the potential for them to go away? This is going to be very slim. Amazon reported that they have got 300 billion...

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Jeff Bezos 14 Leadership Principles: Are These The Secret To Amazon's Success?


The page stumbled across shares Amazon’s Leadership Principles. The page is all about Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, giving 14 leadership principles, which Kev states, “In my opinion, it reveals Amazon’s secret to success.”

The 14 leadership principles may just be the key to success.

While you are reading through the 14 leadership principles, you should think about how it applies to your business. Think about how you could take these principles, from Jeff, the richest man in the world, and arguably the man who has built the most successful company in history and implement them in your business 

14 leadership principles

Deliver Results

14 – “Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion. Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle.”

Delivering results is the name of the game.

In your business, if you have a goal or mission, a big part as the...

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